Tuesday, 5 February 2013

I'm a Unicorn! A Costume Preview

It's this time of the year again! Karneval! From Thursday on it will be all about costumes, glitter and false lashes. Oh, and beer, beer is pretty important too!
So I have been working on my costume for a while and I thought I'd give you a little preview!

Yup, I'm a unicorn. The make-up will be different, though, right now I don't look sparkly but greasy. Today I will hopefully finish the dress and some accessoires and then the best costume ever is done! Okay, it's probably not the best costume I have ever made, but hey, it's hard to come up with something new every year, especially with a limited budget and very little sewing skills.
On Saturday I am going to go to the annual costume ball which takes place in my hometown. The last three years I always won a prize for best costume but they CAN'T seriously give me one again, how unfair would that be? Therefore, I decided to tone it down a bit, at least this year. I want an easy, comfortable costume that doesn't itch, hurt my head or hits the people around me so yeah, unicorn it is.

Here are the costumes I wore to the ball the last two years:

Do you celebrate Karneval or something similar?
Have a great day,
The Countess


  1. you are so adorable! we don't really celebrate anything else with costumes besides Halloween here in the US ...boo ~~~~ boring lol

  2. Ich finde es voll gut, dass Du Dir bei Deinen Faschingskostümen solche Mühe gibst.:) Die meisten kaufen ja nur bei Kaufhof irgendwie ein billiges für 15€... Sahst wieder super aus.:)

    Ich habe Dich im Übrigen getaggt.
    Ich weiß nicht, ob Du sowas magst, zumal es ja deutschsprachig ist, aber vielleicht hast Du ja auch Lust mitzumachen.;)

